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| FEATURED MEMBER Jody Shyllberg Jody Shyllberg, Eastham, MA Jody writes: "Light and how it affects form, color and mood are the fundamentals I follow to represent the beauty and diversity I see in nature and in people. I work in my studio to interpret sketches, reference photos and plein air studies through these memories of time and place to bring my paintings to life using the brilliance and luminosity of pastels. Before starting, I reflect back on the things that photos and sketches don’t capture…the feel of the sun on my face…the sound of seagulls and the ocean’s roar…the chill in the air as the sun set. My goal is to have viewers feel they have actually been where I was and to appreciate what I found compelling in the scene. The highest compliment I receive is when someone says “I feel like I’m right there!”." Above, clockwise from upper left: Fresh Blanket of Snow Irish Cottage Requiem for Napis--Reading at the Bar Provincetown Dusk |
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